I am passionate about online learning/ distance education and am always scouring library databases for peer-reviewed journal articles and ebooks related to Learning Management Systems, online pedagogy, and faculty training. ( Despite my love of technology, I will admit my reluctance to embrace websites and wikis as formal and reliable sources.It's probably my formal undergraduate education in English inhibiting me!!) My graduate coursework is in Educational Leadership, specifically the education track instead of administration, and I will be taking the comprehensive examinations fall 2012. I am also pursuing an instructional design certificate from Walden University and anticipate earning that credential by this fall as well. Many friends and family members have questioned the rigor and quality of this accredited,online program. In response to them and anyone else with similar concerns, I can attest that Walden's instructional design courses have been as rigorous, if not even more challenging than traditional face-to-face courses that I have completed at Kean and Immaculata Universities. I will admit to being an overachiever who pursues every supplemental resource provided and creates projects that tend to exceed minimal requirements. It's important to squeeze each learning opportunity to extract all of benefits of each course.
I possess approximately seven years experience teaching English to adults and young adults in both traditional and online formats. (Connect with me on LinkedIN at http://www.linkedin.com/pub/stephanie-rusen/51/160/5a8). I love Moodle, Blackboard, and Angel and am always thinking of ways to enrich these LMS platforms with Web 2.0 tools. Technology is like a new toy, and I love playing with it to discover new things. Feel free to peruse my Diigo bookmarks to see what I'm researching: Diigo: Public Library
Basically, this blog is a collection of my own research in the ISD field and professional growth--please feel free to say hello or disagree with any of my ideas or findings. I hope to stimulate a rich dialogue about instructional design and encourage viewers to jump in and speak up!
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